Monday 26 October 2015

Week 14 - classes and passes (of poo)

Our little, or should that be long?!, boy is now 61 cms from his head to his toes. This is just over 2 foot long which seems pretty impressive considering he's only just over 3 months. He is noticeably taller than the 6 month old babies in our baby groups and his limbs just seem to keep stretching. He's our very own stretch armstrong, but much, much cuter. We are having to put clothes aside almost daily now that he has grown out of and are best fitting the 2-4 mth range from our fav shop, H and M. (I have a serious H and M baby section addiction btw. I would buy almost all of it if I wasn't on smp! A browse through the website can satisfy my shopping urges mostly though - and perhaps I may just have treated us to a couple of new outfits for when he is 6 months plus. Perhaps. They really do the cosiest, nicest baby leggings, joggers and jumpers and it's all pretty well priced too.)

As one lovely mum friend pointed out, he is definitely growing well and you can't grow sideways and lengthways at the same rate at the same time can you so though he is lean, he is definitely growing longer - sounds funny to say taller with a baby doesn't it?! 

This is the 14th week that was.

1. Sleep wars. 

I won the big fight against sleep on Friday! All day Pads just wouldn't take a nap but he was clearly exhausted and needed one. I tried all my usual tricks; ssh patting, rocking, singing etc but nothing was working so we went out in the buggy for a walk as a last resort, and because by this point, I really needed to not be in the house with a cranky baby anymore! 

20 minutes of him screaming his head off while I gently pushed and rocked the buggy through clenched teeth followed and I was about to turn back into the house and give up when my stubborn streak rose it's head and went 'no, not yet. You can do this'. So I carried on past the house for another 5 minutes of walking with a screaming baby feeling like I really should've just gone back home as this was no good for either of us and then suddenly silence, eyes shut and one sleeping baby. We did it! I won!  

I then continued to walk up and down the same lane (as we currently live near some very busy and windy country roads so the walk options are limited without getting into the car,  for the best part of an hour not wanting to stop the motion of the buggy for fear of waking him up. I did some more of those buggy squats and leg raises every time I reached one end so it was a workout and a nap routine in one. As I suspected as soon as I did finally stop walking and returned home he did wake up but we'd had a good hour sleep by then so all was good with the world again! Perseverance, and fresh air, are key it seems!

And on Sunday eve, after a really tricky week of sleep, he gave us 8.5 hrs straight at night - smashing his previous record! Good boy. Keep that up and your pocket money allowance will sky rocket little man!

2. Baby sensory class. 

I joined another baby class and was really looking forward to baby sensory, as it is called, as I am so interested in what babies respond to and how you can help them develop as a parent and I had heard nothing but the highest praise about this course from other mums. We arrived nice and early for a breastfeed, which didn't go great, as there was lots of shiny paper and colourful kiddy artwork on the walls that demanded Padsters attention. Then class began while we were still feeding - this is standard practice for us at a baby class now and I expect it, but we were able to join in the first 20 minutes of activity after only a few minutes this time as he was more interested in the singing taking place around him than in my breasts anymore. 

We sang a tune about the sun accompanied with baby sign language which I do not currently know at all so it was all a bit lost on us that one and Pads was again more interested in staring at the baby next to him than watching me attempt to sign at him. Next, we did a song called 'Tommy thumb', about all his fingers, with a glove puppet that was pretty fun and Pads seemed to like that. I couldn't help but snigger at the name of the 4th finger in the song though, Ruby ring. Just me?! 

Then we were swiftly, and I mean swiftly - this class moves at a lightening pace! - onto what the instructor called some 'baby reggae' apparently, but it certainly didn't sound like reggae to me, just music of an ethnic origin would've been a more accurate term, along with some massage moves to apparently make them aware of their body parts so it went like this 'there's your head, lovely head' whilst rubbing their head, 'there's your nose, lovely nose' whilst rubbing their nose and so on. I think you get the picture. I have been doing the classic 'head, shoulders, knees and toes' with him at home which gets a much bigger reaction from him so this new version felt a bit flat. 

We did some tummy time sleep massage techniques with the lights dimmed, which definitely will be useful in the future and were very relaxing for Padster, then it was 'break' time which was where we moved over to a very full and varied play area with lots of playmats, toys, ball pools and Pads fav, a softly inflated air bed covered in brightly coloured satins and silks that I stroked his skin with and dangled in front of him to his absolute glee. This was my favourite part of the class, but I wanted to know why these different things were good for babies to play with and what they helped develop but the instructor was busy chatting to some other mums, so play was then up before we knew it and we were back to another 20 minutes of activity. 

This half was a lot more fun for him, and me. I think he had settled a bit by this part and wasn't as overwhelmed by everything going on around him. We shook shiny and bright Pom poms in front of our babies and gave them a rattle to shake while we sang a high pitched tune and Pads loved this. Shiny is good, and he even shook the rattle himself a few times pretty much on the beat too. 

Row row your boat whilst sitting in my lap was another success with Pads who properly giggled, nay, chuckled with delight at the actions - a new sound for him and such a brilliant one to hear! (more on this later). Then the tutor laid out a colourful parachute and we rolled inflatable beach balls across it. As Pads was facing out to see the balls I couldn't really see his face or how this activity was going down with him but it felt pretty random to me and seemed very fast moving for them to see properly, but I am no expert and it wasn't fully explained. Then it was time for the goodbye song and class was over. It went so quickly and I left a little disappointed if I am honest as I expected more explanation and repetition so we could get a handle on the activities - if you haven't done them before, which was the case for most of us in the class I'd say, by the time you've stumbled through the beginning of a new activity and started to figure out what you are doing, it's over and you are on to the next one. Maybe it's because it was my first week so perhaps things get repeated each week, it just seemed very rushed to me but then again, maybe that's to keep the babies attentions? Pads did seem to really enjoy most of it judging by his lovely smiles and giggles, and was super alert, interested and active throughout (when is he not though?!) so I think he is getting a lot out of the activities which is the whole point. Next week is Halloween themed so am very excited about that as I am a Halloween freak, and we get to dress up - score!

After we left the class, we took a stroll around Tintern Abbey (as part of our Welsh castles and monuments of historical interest challenge! Incidentally we lost our first sock somewhere in the abbey, it's a grey and white striped one if you happen to visit and find it!), and Pads slept really deeply and peacefully for a full 2 and a half hours in the sling without stirring, as I walked around the abbey and the river and had lunch, so clearly the massive amounts of stimulation and sensory overload did the trick! 

3. Size matters. 

We have gone up a nappy size finally and are into Size 2s. This feels like a milestone indeed. They definitely fit him better and seem to be holding the goods in so far. We should probably have sized up earlier. I didn't realise the cross over between the early nappy sizes, the size 1s we have been using are for 4-11lbs but our size 2s are from 9-13lbs so we could've switched earlier if I had known and I don't think he will be in these ones that long as the size 3s are 11-15lbs. So I reckon when we finish these size 2s, we may as well go onto 3s as they will last us longer and the weight category crosses over anyway so they will still fit him. It's a nappy minefield isn't it!

4. Everyone is an expert on your baby.  

When we are out and about we seem to bump into the know-it-all,-poke-their-head-into -the-buggy-uninvited types with alarming frequency, or is it just that having a baby suddenly gives the world and its wife license to pass comment and judgement, especially when your gorgeous little angel is having a freak out/screaming fit and you are clearly stressed and want to get back home/into the car/away from people as quickly as possible?! My favourite helpful comments to get when I pass by someone who clearly won parent of the year every year since it began and must be an expert on baby soothing, when Pads is screaming his head off, are: "Oh he is hungry". Is he now? I fed him 10 minutes ago so bore off. "Oh he's cold". Is he now? In a vest, body suit, duffle and hat?! Bog off! "Oh he's tired". Yes thanks, state the bleeding obvious, that is why I am out walking him to try and get him to sleep!

Just because I have a baby and a buggy does not mean I need/want/appreciate your advice. Just wanted to make that clear. Unless you want to tell me my son is a beautiful baby, he looks just like me, isn't he a good baby?, or that I'm doing a great job. If so, comment away. 

5. The wrong sort of doughnut. 

I ordered a ring doughnut shaped piles cushion and it looks like a giant foam polo. Frequent sitting throughout the day is making my piles worse as it is putting pressure on the little shits. Great. I have to sit frequently throughout the day as I need to breastfeed my son every 2 hours so this is an unavoidable scenario, hence the special cushion.  I really have no dignity anymore! It's too early on to tell if the cushion will make a difference but it is surprisingly comfy and I can still get into position for biological feeding on it. Fingers crossed this helps! You can't say I am not trying my best to get rid of them!

6. Safety first. 

It was the last baby acorns class this week and I will miss it, as it's been invaluable for free information and guidance. There should be more government funded baby groups like this across the country as I found it really informative, great fun and a fab way to meet other mums in my area.  I must give a big shout out to the course leaders, Sue and Amanda too, both were not only lovely and supportive, inclusive and full of information and tips, they clearly have a huge passion and love of babies and this just shone through, making it a really comfortable and enjoyable environment to be in. 

Over the 8 week course, we have covered baby massage - my fav subject! - weaning,  teething, sleep, baby brains and development and this last session was all about safety in the home.  

Apparently, the new guidelines are to fit a fixed safety gate at the top of the stairs, which screws in to the wall, so the whole gate swings open and there isn't a step bar across the bottom, like on the unfixed ones, that can become a trip hazard. They now say to remove the gate when the baby hits 2 years old as they can then climb over it and fall down the stairs, and to instead move it to their bedroom doorway, so if they do get up in the night and climb it, they are only going to fall onto the landing on the other side - by which point you will have woken up from the noise to assist them anyway! I've ordered a set of safety gates that also happened to luckily be in the sale (check out Asda who have a sale on certain baby items at the mo'), ready for when we finally move in to the cottage. 

I can't believe that Paddington will soon be crawling around and getting into cupboards and things, but it won't be long as he is already rolling over with ease and making the first attempts at a crawling motion with his arms, legs and bum, when on his tummy, so it was good to get advice now to think ahead (especially as we are doing our cottage up so we can implement new safety precautions from the off). A great, yet really simple tip, was to move the traditional cleaning cupboard that everyone has under the sink, to a high cupboard, so you don't need to worry about locks or baby getting the bleach out, as they just won't be able to reach the cupboard. Simple. I've started stocking up on some safety corners for the coffee table, electrical socket safety plugs and safety door slam stoppers too so we are fully prepared to baby safe our new home. 

They also told us about nappy bags that come on rolls now (apparently Wilko's are one of the first stores to sell these as mandatory), as nappy bags in the traditional envelope wallet are now being considered unsafe as it's easy for little fingers to pull them out and as the bags obviously have no holes in them, they then become a suffocation risk. With the bags on a roll, they are harder for baby hands to get at, or you can just pop your wad of nappy bags into a sealable Tupperware box which babies can't open either. All useful hints and tips. 

They also mentioned that Canada has now banned baby walkers (apparently Canada are the world leaders when it comes to safety issues and often lead the charge when something needs to be taken off the shelves, I did not know this. Go Canada! - good for you guys Jack and Shakira!), and deemed them unsafe as too many babies have had accidents toppling out of them and some of them can reach speeds of up to 7 miles per hour! I think I'll be following Canada's lead and not bothering with them either. One less piece of bulky plastic baby kit is alright with me too - I feel like we have enough stuff already and we haven't even got into the world of the toddler and their toys yet!

7. 4 days without. 

Pads went 4 whole days this week without doing a number 2 (man he is going to love reading these posts when he's a teenager isn't he?! Sorry son). I was starting to worry that he may have his first bout of constipation but on the 5th day he did a corker of a canary yellow poop, which looked lovely and loose as usual. Apparently as long as he isn't straining or in pain when he does go and the stools aren't hard or out of the ordinary then he should be fine, this is just his digestive system maturing, after all, we adults don't poop every single day do we? 

That same evening I had my first curry since Pads came along, a Thai red curry since you ask, and it may just be a coincidence but boy oh boy did we have a poonami explosion the next morning! His best yet I'd say, as it was also accompanied by 2 live poos during the clean up again and a massive wee whilst I had his legs up in the air to clean his bum so yup, he wee'd all over his chest and face. It was a 10 wipe clean up job with one very soiled sleepy suit that took 15 minutes to scrub the yellow poop off so not to stain it! (I did find myself stood in the bathroom with yellow poo on my fingers, marvelling at the lovely shade and consistency rather than thinking 'eeww I am covered in shit' or 'I should wash this off at once', which are probably the normal responses to a shituation like this.) 

I think I may lay off the curries again for a while whilst I'm breastfeeding to save the little guy a multiple explosive poo session and to save myself the clean up job! (Jon was soundly, blissfully asleep conveniently until I was doing the last bit of wipe up - next time, I'm handing pooey Pads over to him!)

8. Paddington's loves. 

Pads likes lamp to quote Brick Tamland from Anchorman. Well, more specifically, he likes watching ceiling spotlights turn on, warm up and get brighter, and also just likes lamps in general. He can spend a long time, well 10 minutes IS a long time for a baby, just staring at them, laughing, chattering away and getting excited.

He also really loves looking at himself closely in the mirror. He has always been a mirror fan but now I take him right up close to the bathroom mirror before bath time so he can touch the glass if he likes and he gets so excited at his smiling face looking back at him that he wobbles his head and opens his mouth in wonder before turning into my chest smiling, as if being a little coy, then turning back to his image to have a smile and chat. So cute it makes me want to make another Paddington there and then. (Not yet though people, not yet.)

Another love of his, is a black and white bee image on his mobile above his changing table. He gives it a brilliant smile every nappy change and chats away to it like an old friend. It can keep him occupied for at least 15 mins, which is winner as I can get things done around him whilst he is busy with his bee pal. I think the bee needs a name, how about Bee-trice?

9. Rattler. 

I have just bought my little man some hand and foot rattles with little bugs on them that you Velcro to his wrists and ankles to help him recognise his hands and feet. I'm not sure he is fully aware that he is wearing them on his wrists yet but he does look super cute with them on.  The foot rattles however have been a revelation to him.  He has now become completely aware of his feet and loves to stick them up in the air and stare at the rattles on them, kick them about and with a little encouragement, grab onto them.  Totally adorable. 

10. One car family. 

It has been fab to have Jon back this week, though as we are renovating an old cottage, Jon has been working on that iall day everyday, so we haven't had as much time together as we'd like, and he starts his new job next week. Still, it's great to have him home in the evenings and for bath time especially, and it's great to know he is there in the night or early morning should me or Pads need him. 

We only have one car, which was fine when we lived in the big smoke, so we have had to start juggling who gets to have it throughout the week, and I am very grateful that Jon understands my need to go to our baby classes, not just for Paddington's development but also for me, so I have had the car on the days I have groups to go to, which has been 3 this week! 

I do get a lot more out of the classes than just the content. They are important for socialising with other mums and to chat about how things are going and share stories, to make some new friends and have a time to aim for to leave the house and a new experience to enjoy with my baby. I am thankful that my hubby respects and recognises these needs, as he could easily have claimed the car for the week as it would've made things easier for him getting to and from the cottage, without having to wait for me and Pads to be ready to give him a lift - which as anyone with a baby knows, can take a long time! (and to do more tip runs and visits to building merchants etc...) 

It's very different to living in London where I didn't need the car as could tube or train it anywhere, living here in the country, you absolutely have to have a car or you're pretty much stuck! I think a 2nd run around car may be on the cards soon to make our lives a bit easier - Lord knows it's about time we tried to do that! (If anyone is selling a small car let us know!)

I would go a bit stir crazy without my baby groups - they help give a bit of routine and structure to the week and I look forward to the interaction with other adults and babies, and Pads enjoys the experience too, so it's a win win!

11. Challenge update.

We managed to tick off 2 castles/historical monuments this week, Tintern Abbey as mentioned above, and the gorgeous Grosmont Castle, which I heartily recommend for a short but beautiful wintry walk or a summers picnic - could just imagine Padster running around the grounds and playing on the rope swing when he's older.  (Thanks for the suggestion Ella). Nearly went in the local pub for a breastfeed but it was full of working men having a drink around the fire at the end of a long day so somehow didn't feel appropriate - next time!

12. Chuckles. 

Pads did his first proper full on laugh out loud chuckle. Like a proper melt your heart and make your day, your week, your year type of chuckle. It was after a particularly stressful and long car journey at night where he had been upset as he doesn't like the dark and was due a feed, so when we got home I wanted to cheer him up by way of an apology I suppose. As I got him into his sleepy suit before his feed, I kept popping my nose onto his and making hmmm sounds to cause a vibration and then blowing raspberries as I pulled my face away - he loved it and chuckled merrily away. So I continued this over and over to hear that delicious sound again and again. Wow. Total heart breaker and totally made every sleepless night, pooey incident and anything ever, worth it.  That chuckle is my new drug. I want more of it and I'll do anything to get it!


3.5 months have raced by and our baby is looking more and more like a little boy these days. His hair is getting thicker and fuller but is still so gorgeously soft and strokeable. Although he doesn't quite have that same dreamy newborn scent that I adored, he still has a yummy sweet, pure, and slightly milky, smell that I cannot get enough of. And his new giggles and chuckle sounds are simply adorable and addictive. I would literally do anything to hear him laugh, and often do, and he makes me feel like I am absolutely the funniest person on the planet. (Which I am, right?!) 

Don't grow up too fast now Pads, these days we are sharing together are so precious, I want to make the most of them for the old memory bank!

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